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Vinita Nangia’s latest ‘Are you making the most of life?’ launched at Krithi Lit Fest, Kochi

By March 19, 2018No Comments

Source : Times of India

Author-Journalist Vinita Dawra Nangia’s book Are you making the most of life? was launched by Write India authors Ravi Subramanian and Anand Neelakantan at the Krithi Literary Festival conducted in Marine drive, Kochi. The interactive session between the three authors following the book launch was highly engaging.


Published by Times Group Books, Are you making the most of life? is a collection of Ms Nangia’s articles from her column O-zone in Times Life. The column deals with contemporary love and romance-related matters and Ms Nangia suggests spellbinding ways to maneuver through one’s relationships. The author is the Associate Editor of Times Of India and has several books to her credit.

Talking about how life takes unexpected courses without notice, Vinita explained how her life had changed from being an IAS aspirant to a journalist. Authors Anand and Ravi’s remarks steered the conversation to a fascinating discussion on superstitions, morality and young love. Ms Nangia’s refreshing perspectives on each issue gave the audience a lot to take away from. She also dealt each question with a brief explanation of what is being mentioned in the book.

Being a relationship expert, Ms Nangia was asked questions about the hardships faced in relationships. The author explained that to enjoy the true sense of happiness there should be a pinch of pain and we all must live keeping the ultimate truth of life that “this too shall pass”.


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