Kerala Sahitya Akademi Award 2022 has been announced. V Shinilal’s Sambarkakranti was selected as the best novel. PF Mathews’ Rumble is the best short story. Dr K Sreekumar’s Chakaramambazham was adjudged as the best children’s literature work. NG Unnikrishnan’s Kadala Vidya is the best collection of poetry. Emil Madhavi’s Kumaru was adjudged the best play.
Haritha Savitri’s Paths of the Wounded and C Anup’s South African book shared the award for best travelogue. BRP Bhaskar’s Newsroom won the Best Biography/Autobiography award. received S Sadarakutty’s How many persuasions is the best literary criticism. The Academy will honor Dr MM Basheer and N Prabhakaran with Distinguished Membership.
Award for Scholarly Literature CM Muraleedharan’s ‘Bhashasutranam Porulum Naiyan’, K. Sethuraman IPS deserves a Malayalam genetic reading. KP Sudheera, Dr Pallipuram Murali, Srikrishnapuram Krishnankutty, John Samuel, Dr Ratheesaxena and Dr PK Sukumaran were awarded for overall contribution.