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KLF corner proves a thought-provoking event yet again

By March 13, 2019No Comments

Source : Times of India



To provide a platform so that the youngsters in the state can engage with the literary community, Kalinga Literary Festival (KLF) held its third literary corner in the city yesterday. Renowned literary figure and former vice-chancellor of Ravenshaw UniversityDevdas Chhotray, was a part of it. The event was organised at a bookstore in the city, where renowned Odia literary youth icon, Biyot Prajna Tripathy, also joined the conversation. It was a classic discussion between two literary geniuses of two different generations on concerns of their times and nuances in their literary reflections. The conversation hooked the audience that had people from different age groups.


The annual Kalinga Literary Festival sees literary geniuses from across the country discuss various aspects of literature. It has recently started this literary corner to bring the best of two generations under one roof.

The founder Rashmi Ranjan Parida said there is an urgent need to engage the youth icons with the legends of the literary world. “We have plans to invite all the living legends of Odia literature and have them hold conversations on their own writings, share comparative insights, discuss about books and authors, especially those who are of national and international repute,” said Rashmi Ranjan.

Programme coordinator Debasish Samantaray felt that there would be no better opportunity than this to listen to these great voices and meet them in person. “It will be a great feeling to get their autographs and pose for selfies with them. This is an effort to celebrate the lives of our own writers and poets; their creative works, contributions and the impact they have had on the readers,” said Debasish.

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