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Inspired innovations

By December 20, 2018No Comments

Source : India Today – Aspire

A first-time author, 16-year-old Sukkriti Nath, talks about The Burning Truth, a work of fiction which took shape from a school project and focuses on teenage smoking.

Tell us something about the book

The Burning Truth portrays the roller coaster life of Gurgaon-based Sana Sharma. Through it, readers get to witness the daily struggles, challenges and temptations of a teenager who starts smoking in order to fit into her peer group. It is both an eye-opener for parents who want to understand the mysterious’ minds of adolescents and a book that creates awareness about the health hazards of smoking.

How did you zero in on the theme?
When I was in Class 10, I had to submit a project in school which required me to do research on a subject with some personal relevance. After brainstorming for several days and looking for a good subject, I finally came up with the idea of writing a book. I saw my paternal grandfather smoking, suffering from mouth cancer and eventually losing his life to the disease. This left a strong impression on my mind. However, for the novel, I have targeted teenagers, as they often become easy victims to smoking.

What were the challenges while writing the novel the burning truth?
The theme required me to do extensive research before providing valid solutions as it is not my story, though the places talked about in the book are real and relatable. The plot was easy to put together, the story was much tougher.

How can teenage smokers be helped?

Since some of the main causes are peer influences, family and media, there are physical and mental effects. Parents need to understand that screaming, shouting, insisting on and banning smoking will only make a child retaliate. Solutions come by talking, coupled with counselling and a person’s willingness to quit smoking.

How do you plan to use the revenue earned from the novel?
I have decided to donate the amount to Cuddles Foundation, a non-profit organisation, which provides nutritious meals to underprivileged children fighting cancer. Many children lose the battle to cancer due to malnutrition and need to be taken care of. This is my contribution for them.

A few tips for young authors
Be confident about your writing and learn to accept criticism. A lot of us tend to engage and invest in casual writing, forgetting that the work needs to be relevant to a larger audience. Young authors must also be patient with how their work is received as it takes time for the concept to sometimes hit home.

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