Source : Hindustan Times
GALF 2018 will feature a host of interesting writers from India and abroad
The ninth edition of the Goa Arts and Literature Festival will be held at the International Centre in Goa from December 6 to 8, 2018. Among the notable writers who will attend the event are David Gilmour, Perumal Murugan, Deborah Baker, Manjushree Thapa, Ramachandra Guha, Elizabeth Flock, Shanta Gokhale and Sudhir Kakkar.
A writer and historian, David Gilmour has written biographies of Rudyard Kipling, Lord Curzon and the Italian writer, Giuseppe di Lampedusa. The author of The Ruling Caste: Imperial Loves in the Victorian Raj (2005), a study of the Indian Civil Service in the Victorian era, and The British in India: Three Centuries of Ambition and Experience (2018), he is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Literature.
Perumal Murugan, who writes in Tamil is famous for his novels that include Poonachi: Or the Story of a Black Goat (2018), Pyre (2016), One Part Woman (2015), and Seasons of the Palm (2017).
Deborah Baker is the author of A Blue Hand, an account of Allen Ginsberg’s travels in India that traced the idea of India in the American imagination. Her latest book is the well received The Last Englishman: Love, War and the End of Empire.
Manjushree Thapa’s latest novel All of Us in Our Own Lives (2016) was set in the world of international aid in Nepal. She has recently translated Indra Bahadur Rai’s classic Darjeeling novel, There’s a Carnival Today(2017), into English.
Historian and biographer Ramachandra Guha needs no introduction. His books include The Unquiet Woods (1989); and an award-winning social history of cricket, A Corner of a Foreign Field (2002), India after Gandhi (2007), Gandhi Before India (2014), and most recently, Gandhi: The Years That Changed the World (2018).
Novelist and short story writer Shashi Deshpande’s latest work, Listen to Me, her memoirs, have just been published. She has numerous books and translations to her credit.
Psychoanalyst, novelist and scholar Sudhir Kakar’s latest novel is The Kipling File.
With such a line-up of extremely interesting authors, this edition of GALF looks set to be a grand success.