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Award for Malayalam book

By November 23, 2018No Comments

Source : The Hindu

The seminal Bhoumachapam discusses cartography both as science and art

Naveena Samskarika Kala Kendram held their eighth OV Vijayan Sahitya Puraskaram award ceremony recently at Hyderabad by presenting the award in the non-fiction category to CS Meenakshi for her book Bhoumachapam.Bhoumachapampublished by DC Books is the first book on cartography in Malayalam.

Discussing cartography both as science and art, it contains both scientific and technical aspects of various surveys — primarily the Great Trigonometrical Survey (GTS) — as well as Topographical Survey and Revenue Survey and map-making.

The complex historical and sociological milieu in which these surveys were carried out also come under discussion.

The historical, social and human perspectives make this book holistic and readable. In these times of diverse data collection and surveillance the relevance of this book cannot be overemphasised.

Winning accolades

Three editions of the book and more than a dozen critiques have been published. It has won three awards including the state award instituted by Kerala Science, Technology and Environment Council.

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