Source :
Times of India
The Kelpies Prize for Scottish children’s writing award for this year was announced on August 25. It was presented to Hannah Foley for The Lost Wizard of Nine Witches Wood at the Edinburgh International Book Festival. Foley was also awarded £2,000 by Floris Books. The author is a former nurse who now works as a freelance illustrator and lives in Devon.

Kelpies Prize is an annual award and it is given to stories which are set in Scotland. According to Floris Books organiser, Foley’s award-winning entry is a “quirky whirlwind of an adventure” and it features Scottish mythological creatures.
“With entries about everything from Bonnie Prince Charlie to a haunted lighthouse, the judging team had an extremely difficult but enjoyable task. The Lost Wizard of Nine Witches Wood stood out for its Scottish setting, fantastical thrills and magical heart,” said Eleanor Collins, Editorial Director, Floris Books, according to a report by The Bookseller.
Floris will publish her story The Lost Wizard of Nine Witches as part of its Kelpies imprint, reported The Bookseller.