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Delhi hosts first-ever ‘Dalit Literature Festival’ organised by Kirorimal College

Source : The Indian Wire   It was reported recently that Delhi hosted its first- time ever ‘Dalit Literature Festival’ for creating awareness of cultivating a sub-altern culture in daily lives. The two-day fest was organized by the Hindi Department of the Kirorimal College, affiliated to Delhi University.  The Fest was organized in collaborations with various Dalit groups namely Ambedkarvadi Lekhak Sangh, Ridam Patrika, Rashmi Prakashan, National Alliance of People’s Movements, Delhi Solidarity Group and others. It was held to unite the voices of the minority groups running in the country. Sanjeev Danda, one of the organizers of the festival, said “It is the country’s first literature festival for Dalits. It has never happened before.” He also said Dalits do not only mean Scheduled Castes but also farmers, tribals, working classes and “everyone”. The Participants in the event included a hundred writers, artists, social activists, and academics, and were observed discussing several issues related to the Dalit community. “There are so many issues but no one is addressing them. They say Dalits are taking up all the jobs. But where? Just have a look at the Indian govt’s survey and you’ll see that the upper castes dominate every ministry. Where are the Scheduled Castes? Not more than 2 percent,” said Balbir Madhopuri, a renowned Dalit Punjabi writer.

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