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A publishing house is bringing out only women’s writing in 2018

Source : Times of India Not a Pipe Publishingbecomes the only independent publisher in Oregon to publish books only by women in 2018. Kamila Shamsie, British Pakistani author in 2015 wrote in The Guardian about gender discrimination that takes place in the book world and challenged the publishing houses to declare 2018 as the Year of Publishing Women. In the column she strongly wrote that instead of titles given by men, there should be a year where only women author’s stories and their works should be considered. Her unconventional idea was instantly supported by both the genders. Publishing Founded in 2013, Not a Pipe Publishing, an independent publisher co-owned by Benjamin and Paige Gorman took the challenge and declared to publish only works by female authors this year. Some of their titles include famous epic fantasies, sci-fi adventures, and superhero stories. This whole thing seems like a great opportunity for all the female writers. Benjamin Gorman told The Oregonian, “Publishers, reviewers and prize committees are not intentionally shutting women out, but the financial incentives support male authors.”
The first book authored by a woman to be published by Note a Pipe in 2018 isThe Staff of Fire and Bone by Mikko Azul. The story talks about Cedron, son of a Regent who is hunted by demons and deities to get his immense power. He is caught up in life’s trap when he has to choose being a hero or getting doomed in darkness.
The list has some other titles as well, including M.K. Martin’s science fiction Survivor’s Club and an Irish inspired folklore by Kate Ristau, Shadow Girl.
It seems like the publishers are not only one supporting this challenge, two male authors — Kurt Clopton and Jason Brick, also supported it by agreeing on the delay in publication of their books.
At Tabor Space in Portland on 24th February, Not a Pipe is starting this year publishing where several female writers will be signing books, hosting readings and a lot of other writing related activities taking place. If you are near that area, do contribute in this great initiative!

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