Talent Turf

Suneel Krishnan

Born in 1986, Suneel Krishnan, an ayurvedic doctor by profession, hails from a small town Karaikudi, Tamilnadu. He belongs to a family of traditional siddha medicine practitioners. His father Dr. Ramachandran was a siddha physician under government of Tamilnadu. Suneel’s mother Ramadevi brought him up as a single child. She made books as his first and best companion. He started writing short stories since 2012. The first anthology ‘Ambu Padukkai’ (Bed of Arrows) was released in 2017 and it was awarded Yuva Puraskar by the Sahitya Akademi in 2018. He has been running a site for Gandhi, Gandhians and Gandhism since 2011 (www.gandhitoday.in). Suneel hs compiled and translated several works on Gandhi. An anthology of selected essays ‘Anbulla Bulbul’ (Dear Bulbul) on Gandhi was released in 2018. He has written critical essays on various modern Tamil writers. A collection titled ‘Valaroli’ (Ascending Light) is the latest book which has 9 critical essays on the works of 9 young Tamil authors. Suneel has also translated Kshitimohan Sen’s ‘Hinduism an Introduction’ and Rajmohan Gandhi’s ‘Independence and Social Justice’ as well as stories by Clarice lispector, Janice Pariat, Don Delilo to Tamil. Currently he is translating Nikos Kazansakis ‘Zorba the Greek’. Jeyamohan and Asokamithiran are his icons of inspiration, while he considers Kafka and Kazansakis as his masters.

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